Quienes Somos

La Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora

Trabajamos en

Impulsar la construcción y consolidación de un movimiento amplio de mujeres afrocaribeñas…

¿En qué creemos?

Las integrantes de la Red Afrolatinoamericana, Afrocaribeña y de la Diáspora asumen en su accionar lo siguiente:
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Nuestra Red es un espacio de articulación y empoderamiento de las mujeres afrolatinoamericanas, afrocaribeñas y de la diáspora, para la construcción y reconocimiento de sociedades democráticas, equitativas, justas, multiculturales, libres de racismo, de discriminación racial, sexismo y de exclusión, y promoción de la interculturalidad.


Fortalecer la Red como espacio de desarrollo para la articulación, participación e incidencia política y social desde las mujeres afrocaribeñas, afrolatinas y de la diáspora para la lucha contra el racismo, la discriminación racial, el sexismo y la pobreza.


  • Reconocimiento a las identidades de las mujeres afrodescendientes.
  • Respeto a la diversidad.
  • Horizontalidad. Formas de participación democrática, inclusiva y de conducción colegiada.
  • Solidaridad.
  • Igualdad.
  • Equidad.
  • Compromiso.
  • Responsabilidad.

Ultimas Noticias

Exciting Encuentro Diaspora Afro News

Exciting Encuentro Diaspora Afro News

We have more Encuentro Diaspora Afro News! We’re now on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Visit our Facebook page! During Hispanic Heritage Month, Brandi, Nia and I shared videos, articles, stories, pictures and events highlighting the Afrodescendent of Latin America and the Caribbean experience.

We’ll also be posting at our Twitter account, @e_diasporaafro (https://twitter.com/E_DiasporaAfro), and on YouTube, under DiasporaAfro (http://www.youtube.com/user/diasporaafro). Please follow and subscribe! Brandi has created a wonderful page that will bring you closer to our work. We will be uploading some past and present Encuentro events. Take a look and let us know what you think!

We also have a new email address, e.diaspora@gmail.com.

Finally, We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 25th at the Forum with the Editors.

Thank you all for the inspiration to keep moving, keep growing and for your ongoing support.

peace and blessings,

Yvette and the Encuentro Diaspora Afro Team

e.diasporaafro@gmail.com  ,    www.diasporaafro.org   ,   www.diasporaafro.blogspot.com

“Like” us on Facebook ,   Twitter-@e_diasporaafro ,  Youtube-DiasporaAfro

One week away-Forum with the Editors of Women Warriors of the Afro Latina Diaspora

Greetings my peoples,

We are one week away from the Book Forum with the editors of Women Warriors of the Afro Latina Diaspora. Marta Moreno Vega, Marinieves Alba and I, are looking forward to celebrating the release of the book and engaging in a fruitful dialogue with the Boston community.

Here is part of the Press Release by our publisher Arte Publico

Afro-Latinas’ Activism, Personal Stories Shine in New Book

HOUSTON, TX—WOMEN WARRIORS OF THE AFRO-LATINA DIASPORA is comprised of eleven essays and four poems in which Latina women of African descent share their stories. The collection is a fascinating look at the legacy of more than 400 years of African enslavement in the Americas.

The authors are from all over Latin America—the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Brazil—and they write about issues such as colonialism, oppression and disenfranchisement. Diva Moreira, a black Brazilian, writes that she experienced racism and humiliation at a very young age. The worst experience, she remembers, was when her mother’s bosses told her Diva didn’t need to go to school after the fourth grade, “because blacks don’t need to study more than that.”…

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