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RMAAD sign positioning about family in Agenda for Development

RMAAD sign positioning about family in Agenda for Development.

27 July, 2015

Dear Ambassador Kamau and Ambassador Donoghue,

As a very broad representation of civil society working in the past years on the Post-2015 development agenda we would like to use this opportunity to express our grave concern about the following paragraph and suggest the following mark-ups (highlighted):

  1. We recognize the role of the family, in its various forms, as a contributor to sustainable development; the protection of the human rights of all individuals within families, households and communities is essential for the implementation one measure of success of the new Agenda, and will be its ability to strengthen and protect all families.


We wish to strongly call upon you to delete the paragraph. If deletion is not possible, the paragraph needs to beamended. Please find our arguments and suggestions below:

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25 de julio: Día Internacional de la Mujer Afro

25 de julio: Día Internacional de la Mujer Afrolatinoamericana, Afrocaribeña y de la Diáspora

A 23 años de aquel I Encuentro de Mujeres Afrodescendientes celebrado en República Dominicana en 1992, hoy nuevamente como cada 25 de julio celebramos el Día de las mujeres Afrodescendientes en América Latina y El Caribe. Tras un mes de haber realizado la Primera Cumbre Latinoamericana de Lideresas Afrodescendientes de Las Américas, desde nuestras diversas comunidades y distintos países nos reafirmamos comprometidas, luchadoras y promotoras por los derechos de las mujeres y defensoras de los derechos humanos de los pueblos y sociedades latinoamericanas y caribeñas que representamos.

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